Telling Stories

Everyone’s telling stories. When I look back and remember what was, it’s like being there again. It refreshes my mind, remembering the younger me. It’s so refreshing that I occasionally decide to write about it and share it with my friends but there’s a problem with the details. The details seem to vanish in-between the big events and that becomes frustrating. To cope with my deficiencies of memory, I fill in the gaps. I write what I or someone else might have said or did in-between the events that I remember as true. It’s all about the story and me trying to make it readable. I apologize for my fading memory but the stories I tell as true, are for the most part, accurate, plus or minus a few degrees of reality. I figure anyone of average intelligence who reads them, will understand.
There’s another kind of story that I keep hearing from the news networks. They, more and more, seem to be writing stories, not to entertain or inform but to manipulate. I hear the same kind of stories coming from ABC, CBS, NBC and DC. I’m sick of it. I stopped listening and I’m not sorry for that.
When I did listen to them they laughed at the poor citizen fools who saw unexplainable lights in the sky because DC told them to. I don’t know what the official directive was but it might have been this; Run the story once and make a joke about little green men while showing someone dressed in an alien outfit. There I go again, filling in the gaps with speculation but it’s not just speculation. They all did the same thing and now, suddenly, they’ve backed off of that little green men joke. Why, because DC told them to back off of it. There I go again with my speculation but there’s a mockingbird in my backyard that keeps repeating other birds songs.
My backyard mockingbird says; Little Green Men; Get Poked; Wear a mask; Dress like a girl and be proud; It’s a woman’s right to kill her baby; Epstein committed suicide. Wait, that’s not my bird. I left the television on.